Government College of Engineering, Amravati
(An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra)
Faculty and Students Achievement
Name of the Department: Computer Science and Engineering
(A)Achievements: (Write in details)
Sr. No. | Name Of Faculty | Particulars |
1 | Naresh G. Gadge |
4. Attended STTP on Emerging Trend in Cyber Security & Data Science (15 june to 19 June 2021) |
(B)Patent File and Published: (Write in details)
Sr. No. | Name Of Faculty | Particulars |
| Dr. P. N. Chatur | Patent Application No. 201621036611A Patent Publication Date. 18/11/2016 Title of Patent. Digital Video Security Using Optimized and Hybrid Based Novel Water Marking System |
| Dr. Kamlesh A. Waghmare | Patent Application No. 201621036611A Patent Publication Date. 18/11/2016 Title of Patent. Digital Video Security Using Optimized and Hybrid Based Novel Water Marking System |
(c ) Patent Awarded: (Write in details)
Sr. No. | Name Of Faculty | Particulars |
1 | Dr. P. N. Chatur | Patent Application No. 2021102810 Title of Patent: Assistant for Human Cognitive state Classification.
2 | Dr. Kamlesh A. Waghmare | Patent Application No. 2021102810 Title of Patent: Assistant for Human Cognitive state Classification.
( D ) Participation of Teacher in conferences, Symposia and Workshops: (Write in details)
Sr. No. | Name Of Faculty | Particulars |
1 | Prof. P.M. Chouragade | 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligences and Computing Applications 2021 (IICCICA-21), NOV 2021 |
2 | Prof. P. P. Shelke | INDIACom 2021 IEEE conference on Computing of Sustainable Global Developement organized by Bharti Vidyapeeth Scheduled on 17-19 March21 |
3 | Prof. R.V. Mante
| MSME SKillTechnika Government Certified Industrial Training on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things |
4 | Dr. Kamlesh A. Waghmare | MSME SKillTechnika Government Certified Industrial Training on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things |
5 | Naresh G Gadge | Topic: Real-time Covid-19 Face Mask Detection with YOLOv4 Date of Conference: 4-6 Aug. 2021 Published in: 2021 Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) DOI: 10.1109/ICESC51422.2021.9533008 Publisher: IEEE Conference Location: Coimbatore, India |
6 | Prof. Milind B. Waghmare | MSME SKillTechnika Government Certified Industrial Training on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things |
( E) Research Papers Published by the teachers of the Department: (Write details regarding the Title of paper, volm, year, Author)
Sr. No. | Name Of Faculty | Particulars |
1 | Prof. A. V. Deorankar | 1. “Banking Transaction Metaphors Using Text Classification: A Study”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, doi : , 2. Design Analysis of Banking Transaction Descriptions via Deep Learning Mechanism ,International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, doi : , Journal URL : |
2 | Dr. P. N. Chatur | 1. "Review on Smart Health Care Monitoring Systems", International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 7,Issue 4, pp.418-422, July-August-2021. Available at doi : Journal URL : . 2. “Automatic ML-Based Covid19 patient monitoring system with risk determination”. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-07, Issue- 05, AUG 2021. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html? |
3 | Prof. R.V. Mante | |
4 | Prof. P.M. Chouragade
| 1. "Blockchain Based Approach for tackling Deepfake videos”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), Volume 7 Issue 3, May 2021, pp. 342-347, Journal URL: 2. “Deepfake Video Authentication based on Blockchain”,2nd International conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESCS 2021), Aug. 2021, pp. 1118-1121 3. “An Effective Blockchain Technique to Resist Against Deepfake”, 3rd International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA 2021), Sept. 2021, pp. 1643-1649
5 | Dr. Kamlesh A. Waghmare | 1. "Effective Survey on Detection and Classification of COVID-19 Suspected Individual Using CT scan Images " International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT) 2. “Machine Learning Framework To Detect Corona Virus - A Study With CT Scan Image Of Suspected Individuals” International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2021.0353 |
6 | Naresh G Gadge | Topic Name-Deep Learning Approach for detecting Covid-19 Face mask using YOLOv4 Algorithm Journal Name-International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology ISSN : 2456-3307 UGC Journal No : 64718
7 | Prof. Milind B. Waghmare |
( F ) Important Portfolios and Other Academic Assignments Handled by Faculties at
University/Institute/Industry Level: (Write in details)
Sr. No. | Name Of Faculty | Particulars |
1 | Prof. A.V. Deorankar | 1. Head of Department 2. BoS Chairman 3. Department level CSR activity coordinator 4. AICTE Proposal and NAB Coordinator 5. Internal and External Academic monitoring coordinator 6. Final Year Project Guide 7. Student Counseling 8. CC Lab Incharge 9. Organization of MOOC/NPTEL/SPOKEN Tutorial IUCEE Webinars etc. incharge |
2 | Dr. P.N. Chatur | 1. Consultancy I/c 2. Ph.D I/c 3. Final Year Project Guide 4. Students registration coordinator final year M.Tech First Year 5. Student Counseling 6. Students Feedback I/c 7. Industrial Visit I/c 8. Class Teacher M.Tech I Year (Preparing Course Coordinator List and Related Activities) |
3 | Prof. R. V. Mante | 1. M.Tech Coordinator (Stipend Related Activities coordination with Institute level M.Tech coordinator) 2. Academic Audit I/c 3. Timetable I/c 4. Class Teacher M.Tech II Year (Preparing Course Coordinator List and Related Activities) 5. Lab I/c PG (M.Tech Lab) 6. Final Year Project Guide 7. Class Teacher II Year M.Tech (Preparing Course Coordinator List and Related Activities) 8. M.Tech Practical Examination I/c |
4 | Prof. P. P. Shelke | 1. End Examination Incharge of B.Tech. & M. Tech 2. Programming Cell 3. Departmental Procurement In Charge 4. Member Secretary of BoS 5. Member of Data center 6. Major Project and seminar In charge of B.Tech |
5 | Prof. P.M. Chouragade | 1. Initiative for CEP/STTP/Testing Consultancy 2. Organization of MOOC/NPTEL/SPOKEN Tutorial IUCEE Webinars etc. incharge 3. Cleaning and maintenance I/c of Ladies Washrooms. 4. Lab Incharge Lab-2 5. Students registration coordinator first year 6. Final year project guide 7. Students Counselling 8. Class Teacher I Year (Preparing Course Coordinator List and Related Activities) 9. Equal Opportunity Cell I/c |
6 | Dr. K. A. Waghmare |
7 | Naresh G Gadge |
8 | Prof. Milind B. Waghmare | 1. Prof. In charge of Training and Placement 2. Third Year Student Registration Class Coordinator 3. Working as committee member for NBA Accreditation on Institute Level 4. Working as committee member for NAAC Accreditation on Institute Level 5. Warden New Boys Hostel 6. Institute Level Cleaning Incharge 7. Cleaning and maintenance I/c of Departmental and Gents Washrooms.